The Life and Works of Richard Wagner, directed by Carl Fröhlich, was originally released on 20th November 1913. It was the first ever 'bio-pic', and as such was about who else but Wagner? What is extraordinary, however, is that it predates D. W. Griffiths and Birth of a Nation, usually described as the first 'long' silent, at a time when most silents ran for 10 minutes at the outside. Fröhlich's film runs for over 80 minutes.
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner, directed by Carl Fröhlich, was originally released on 20th November 1913. It was the first ever 'bio-pic', and as such was about who else but Wagner? What is extraordinary, however, is that it predates D. W. Griffiths and Birth of a Nation, usually described as the first 'long' silent, at a time when most silents ran for 10 minutes at the outside. Fröhlich's film runs for over 80 minutes.
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner, directed by Carl Fröhlich, was originally released on 20th November 1913. It was the first ever 'bio-pic', and as such was about who else but Wagner? What is extraordinary, however, is that it predates D. W. Griffiths and Birth of a Nation, usually described as the first 'long' silent, at a time when most silents ran for 10 minutes at the outside. Fröhlich's film runs for over 80 minutes.