Formats and Editions
1. B G Sie Rodzi (God Is Born) (Polish)
2. WSR D Nocnej Ciszy (In Midnight's Silence) (Polish)
3. Aniol Pasterzom M Wil (An Angel Spoke to the Shepherd) (Polish)
4. Przybiezeli Do Beteljem, Carol (Polish)
5. Gdy Sliczna Panna (When the Fair Virgin), for Chorus
6. Z Nieba Wysokiego, Carol (Polish)
7. Jezus Malusienka (Tiny Jesus) (Polish)
8. Wesola Nomine Bracia Sluchajcie, Carol (Polish)
9. Gdy Sie Chrystus Rodzi (Christ Is Born This Evening) (Polish) 1
10. Cicha Noc (Silent Night), for Chorus 1
11. Medrcy Swiata (Worldly Wise Men, O Ye Monarchs), for Chorus 1
12. Lulajze Jezuniu (Sleep, Little Jesus) (Polish) 1
13. O Gwiazdo Bethlejemska (O Star O'er Bethlehem Shining) (Polish) 1
14. Mizerna Chicha (Only a Manger Bed) (Polish) 1
15. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (W Zlobie Lezy) 1
16. Rozkwitnela Sie Lilija, Carol (Polish) 1
17. Tryumfy KR la Niebieskiego (Triumph of the King of Heaven) (Polish)